Videos: 'First Peoples' Season 1 Episodes 1 - 4

See how the mixing of prehistoric human genes led the way for our species to survive and thrive around the globe. Archaeology, genetics and anthropology cast new light on 200,000 years of history, detailing how early humans became dominant.

The book of Genetics, not the book of Genesis, is the true account of human origins. Forget everything that the Christadelphians have ever told you and discover the real truth about how we got here.

200,000 years ago we took our first steps on the African savanna. Today there are 7 billion of us living across planet Earth. How did our ancestors beat the odds and spread from continent to continent? What was the secret to their success?

This is a global detective story, featuring new fossil finds and the latest genetic research. It’s a story that revolves around a shocking revelation. In prehistoric times, we met and mated with other types of human – like Neanderthals, Denisovans and Homo erectus. This mixing of genes helped us survive - and ultimately thrive. Scientists are beginning to realize that ours is not a pedigree species, but a patchwork. We are all hybrids. 

Note: I will upload full screen versions of episodes 1 - 3 when available. Episode 4 is full screen. 
1. Americas

2. Africa

3. Asia

4. Australia


1 comment:

  1. Let's not forget that as well as Adam and Eve, God performed a CTRL/ALT/DEL style reboot of creation and wiped everybody out in a global flood, except for his favourite family.
    Therefore, we are also allegedly descended directly from Noah and his incestuous lot too!


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