Listening to
Steven Pinker speaking about his book “The Better Angels of Our Nature: The Decline of Violence In History And Its Causes”, which argues
that for most people the world is a much safer place than it has even been, I
was struck by one of the reasons he postulates as to why the statistics show
that there are fewer wars, fewer people dying in war, and less violent
crime. He called it the feminisation of
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An elderly Christadelphian sister is shocked to see that her deconverted friend refuses to wear a hat and fell asleep because the lecture was boring. |
Science too
has played a part in freeing woman from the drudgery of constant child birth – until
the 20th century it was not unusual for women to give birth well
into the teens of times (perhaps almost every year of her child bearing
years). Modern medicine and
contraception has given women power over this aspect of their lives.
In the 19th
century women started campaigning to be allowed to vote and by the late 20th
century women had reached equality with men in many areas of life. They now play an equal role in many
professions and in governments of the western democracies.
Pinker argues that because women are arguable more co-operative and nurturing than the typical alpha male, the emancipation of women has led to a better world for all.
Pinker argues that because women are arguable more co-operative and nurturing than the typical alpha male, the emancipation of women has led to a better world for all.
Many Christian churches have moved along with the times and embraced the emancipation of women – though not without some serious controversy.
Many Christian churches have moved along with the times and embraced the emancipation of women – though not without some serious controversy.
How do
Christadelphians measure up? Have they
moved with the times or are they stuck in the age of their origins, with a very
Victorian attitude to women?
John Thomas
made his view of women plain:
We hear much in some parts of the world of the political rights and equality of women with men; and of their preaching and teaching in public assemblies. We need wonder at nothing which emanates from the unenlightened thinking of sinful flesh. There is no absurdity too monstrous to be sanctified by unspiritualized animal intellect. Men do not think according to God's thinking, and therefore it is they run into the most unscriptural conceits; among which may be enumerated the political and social equality of women. Trained to usefulness, of cultivated intellect, and with moral sentiments purified and ennobled by the nurture and admonition of the Lord's truth, women are "helps meet" for the Elohim; and much too good for men of ordinary stamp. The sex is susceptible of this exaltation; though I despair of witnessing it in many instances till "the Age to come." But, even women of this excellency of mind and disposition, were it possible for such to do so, would be guilty of indiscretion, presumption, and rebellion against God's law, in assuming equality of rank, equality of rights, and authority over man, which is implied in teaching and preaching. It is the old ambition of the sex to be equal to the gods; but in taking steps to attain it, they involved themselves in subjection to men. Preaching, and lecturing, women, are but species of actresses, who exhibit upon the boards for the amusement of sinful and foolish men. They aim at an equality for which they are not physically constituted; they degrade themselves by the exhibition, and in proportion as they rise in assurance, they sink in all that really adorns a woman. - Elpis Israel 4th Edition p123-4
There is no
doubt that there are many Christadelphians who still agree with John Thomas’s
outdated opinion, and except in a few enlightened enclaves this remains the
position of women in the Christadelphian community to this day. Perhaps it is not expressed so openly and in
such vigorous Victorian prose, but for all practical purposes the role of woman
in Christadelphian communities is to be subordinate to the “brethren”.
scandalous state of living in the past is tolerated by both men and woman,
partly because it is believed to be bible teaching, but mainly because most
Christadelphians have been born into the community and have never known anything
But as far as
the outsider is concerned – even if they are interested in the beliefs – will
it not be seen as a barrier to wanting to join with such a group of people
living with such outdated social conventions?
Perhaps just
one more reason why the Christadelphian community will not survive for many
more decades?
What about the poorer women in western society. Their life expectancy is falling. They are being subject to a military draft. Contraception is only for the well off. At least Christa Delphi and live in the real world.
ReplyDeleteThe word "woman" means married. So if you apply that to all the sections of the Bible that have the word woman, you realize, the commands they gave the apostles were for a marriage, not to usurp authority, and to be quiet. There are other types of females with specified commands too: widows, unmarried, virgin, female and so on...
DeleteI is an error that sisters as a whole are subject to "brethren".
This whole marriage law was never meant to become inequality.
In Galations 3:28 There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. 29 If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise."
There is no mention of a hierarchy of status, but that we are all family now.
Christ was the remover of curses. Not all the curses in this world are removed but when men asked Christ about whose property a woman is if she was married a few times, Jesus replied, "You are in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God. At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven"
When we are freed from all the curses, including the curse of death, there really are no more bonds to the flesh. So these laws of the flesh, and the curses, are gone.
Yet Christ has removed some of the curses now, the verse was talking about "no male or female".
We were instructed not to live according to the laws of the flesh. If you do, you bring a curse on yourself. If you try to live according to God, you are freed from the curse.
"There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit."
If you walk after the Spirit, you are not condemned with curses. The curse on the woman was that in childbearing she would be saved, but it would be painful, and that the man shall rule over her because of her affection to him. It is not the law of Christ, it is a curse. Christ is the remover of curses, not implementors, and this is why he taught women equally at his foot, as well as blessed them and congratulated them for good works. They had the status of spirituality.
So, we can see where the weakness comes in. Men who are not spiritual are not accepting their position before God, but seek fleshly honor, fleshly status, and follow pride.
If you go back to the beginning, Adam was very happy to have an equal, he said she was bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh, she was THE SAME! He was lonely before this, watching all the other animals having a partner.
And they were both commanded by God to dominate the earth. They both were told to care for it and to be in charge of it.
When they both fell to sin, the curses were meted out according to their sin.
But the curse isn't what we are supposed to treat as law or practice. We are elevated above that when we are baptized. We are supposed to act like we are in the Kingdom. We are supposed to put on a spiritual covering, and act as if, until we actually are in the Kingdom.
When people are in the fleshly mode, they take on marriage in a non-spiritual way creating inequality, and hierarchy.
Yet we are expected to overcome inequality...not make it into rules that serve male flesh. Christ removed the curse in us so we are free to be spiritual beings and live according to godliness, not curses.
"But Christ has rescued us from the curse pronounced by the law. When he was hung on the cross, he took upon himself the curse for our wrongdoing. For it is written in the Scriptures, “Cursed is everyone who is hung on a tree.”