Theoretical Christadelphianism

After 165 years of failed predictions
Christadelphians are confident
that they understand prophecy!
In the same way that theoretical physics seeks to expand the limits of our knowledge about the physical sciences, theoretical Christadelphianism seeks to expand Christadelphian thinking by speculating about things that are not stated or clearly explained in the Bible.

But while theoretical physicists think of experiments by which their theories can be falsified or confirmed, theoretical Christadelphians are not constrained by any sort of reality check.

For example at the recent "Rugby Prophecy Day" theoretical Christadelphianists boldly speculated whether the latest reports from Debka File, events in Syria, global seismic and volcanic activity, rough seas and closed ATM machines in Cyprus means that Christ's return after two thousand years of absence is finally about to take place.

Or consider the latest from the CMPA as outlined by theoretical Christadelphianist Andrew Bramhill in this month's Christadelphian magazine:

"For over one hundred years The Christadelphian has had a section dedicated to The Signs of the Times. During that time great events have occurred in world history. During that time Bible readers have viewed these events, from wars to natural disasters, to developments with Israel, and have been able to proclaim with certainty that "The most high rules in the kingdoms of men." Today events move at such a pace that few among us doubt that the return of Christ is near. It seems every newspaper item, every TV report in some way reflects Bible prophecy fulfilled. This however has been the case for generations, with many of our forbearers believing that Christ's return was imminent in their day."   - (Emphasis mine.)

This takes us to the crux of what theoretical Christadelphianism is all about. For approximately one hundred and sixty five years since Dr John Thomas got off the boat in America, theoretical Christadelphianists have been theorising about Bible prophecy and the return of Christ and they have achieved a perfect score of being 100% wrong 100% of the time. Nevertheless, Andrew Bramhill remains convinced that this track record "Proclaims with certainty that "The most high rules in the kingdoms of men" and Roger Long was confidently able to assure the Rugby Christadelphians that Christ would return in the near future.

Lawrence Kraus was recently asked if String theory was true and he responded that the answer was a resounding .......... "maybe." Let theoretical Christadelphians everywhere take note.  

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